In the fast-paced world of higher education, campus communication professionals often focus mainly on external work. Crafting press releases, managing social media channels and engaging with the media are crucial (and time-consuming). 

Because of this, internal communications can be overlooked – and that’s a mistake. It is critical to have an internal communications strategy that includes consistent messaging to students, staff and faculty not only when crises pop up but also year-round. 

Here are three reasons colleges and universities should invest time and resources in internal communications, along with return-on-investment (ROI) arguments to help convince leadership. 

Institutional Cohesion and Morale

Effective internal communications are a cornerstone of a cohesive institution. When faculty, staff and students are well informed about their university’s values, goals, policies and achievements, they have a greater sense of belonging and purpose. This can significantly boost morale and engagement across campus. 

For example, regular updates on strategic initiatives, success stories and changes within the institution can make all stakeholders feel included and valued. This inclusive environment encourages collaboration and innovation, which are critical in a competitive academic landscape.

ROI: Enhanced employee and student satisfaction can lead to lower turnover rates, higher retention and a more vibrant campus culture that attracts prospective students and faculty.

Crisis Management

In times of crisis, whether it’s a public relations issue, a natural disaster or another campus emergency, internal communications are pivotal. Clear, timely and accurate information can help manage and mitigate risks.

When a crisis hits, an institution that has already established robust, trusted and consistent internal communication channels can disseminate crucial information swiftly, ensuring everyone knows how to stay safe and up to date. This preparation helps prevent misinformation and panic, maintaining order and confidence within the community. 

ROI: Efficient crisis management through strong internal communications can preserve the institution’s reputation, prevent chaos and ensure a quicker return to a steadier state, saving time and resources in the long run.

Professional Development and Organizational Growth

Internal communications can also be powerful for ensuring employees know about and take advantage of professional development and organizational growth opportunities. Working closely with Human Resources, ensure main university channels also share these important offerings. By consistently communicating about opportunities for training, workshops and other professional development, institutions can empower employees to grow and improve their skills. 

Additionally, regularly highlighting internal job openings and career advancement opportunities encourages employees to seek growth within their current environments instead of elsewhere. This practice not only helps in retaining talent but also builds a stronger, more capable workforce.

ROI: Promoting professional development opportunities via internal communications can lead to a more skilled and committed employee team, enhance the institution’s overall performance and reduce recruitment costs.

Robust internal communication strategies can significantly enhance the functioning and reputation of colleges and universities. We encourage campus communications professionals to ensure internal communications receive the attention and resources they deserve. 

Do you need help advocating for or building an internal comms strategy/content plan that supports your campus community? We can help.