University and college strategic planning processes are often too inwardly focused. Internal committees are formed to discuss institutional priorities using little to no external research or data to support their decision-making process. They pave the way toward the future of their institution on a foundation of intuition, not evidence. 

In today’s competitive environment, universities must shift their strategic planning processes to ensure their institutions remain relevant, competitive and attractive to prospective students, faculty and other stakeholders. Two inputs are critical – and often neglected – in driving effective strategic planning: brand perception research and market research. Leveraging a data-informed, evidence-based process empowers an institution to blaze a strategic path in alignment with its organizational priorities while setting feasible goals to increase its standing in a competitive market.

Understanding Brand Perception Research

Brand perception research illustrates how an institution is viewed by its various stakeholders, including prospective and current students, alumni, faculty, staff and its broader community. Many believe a brand is the logo, fonts, colors, messaging and visuals used to identify an institution. In reality, a brand is what people think of a college or university; the brand elements, such as the logo and colors, are the tools an institution uses to shape those people’s perceptions. For example, Nike’s brand isn’t the swoosh logo; it’s the feelings and emotions that people experience when they think of Nike or see the swoosh. Brand research entails collecting and analyzing data on people’s feelings and emotions elicited by a university or college so the institution can be better equipped to communicate its strengths and correct possible misperceptions. 

Brand research usually does not directly inform a strategic plan, yet is critical to the strategic planning process. For example, if an institution’s leadership decides to make a dramatic pivot, they will need to understand how this pivot aligns with the school’s current perceptions and whether the market will embrace the shift. If Nike were to sell computers, that may go too far away from its brand for the market to accept. If any organization is considering dramatic or even small shifts, brand research can help predict how stakeholders will respond within the larger market context.

The Role of Market Research 

Market research produces information about market demand, preferences and trends. For colleges and universities, this includes analyzing demographic shifts, student pipelines, employment trends, educational needs and competitive landscapes. Understanding these factors can help an institution identify opportunities for new programs, optimize existing programs and ensure the institution and its programs meet the evolving demands of students and employers.

Market research also illuminates what drives prospective students and what they are looking for in a university. This includes student motivations, program offerings, campus facilities, extracurricular activities and career support services. When an institution aligns its offerings with market demand, it enhances its attractiveness to multiple audiences and ensures value for both its students and the economy. Market research also helps leadership assess the viability of strategic goals relative to the market.

Data-Informed, Evidence-Based Strategic Planning 

  1. Aligning Offerings with Market Demand: The only way universities can confidently develop programs, courses, institutes or initiatives that will directly and authentically align with current and future market needs is by integrating market research into their strategic planning processes. For instance, if research indicates a growing demand for professionals with expertise in generative artificial intelligence, and this growth area aligns with other elements of a university’s vision for the future, it might invest in expanding (or further expanding) its programs and related facilities into the generative AI space.
  1. Enhancing Brand Positioning: Brand perception research helps universities understand their strengths and weaknesses. Universities can improve their brand positioning by addressing areas of negative perception and leveraging positive aspects of their respective brands. This could involve rebranding efforts, marketing campaigns or improvements in student services.
  1. Attracting and Retaining Talent: Understanding what attracts top students, faculty and staff to a university is a crucial but often-overlooked element of recruitment and retention. Market research provides insights into the factors that drive application, enrollment and employment decisions, such as campus culture, research opportunities and financial aid and incentives. By addressing these factors, universities can enhance their appeal.
  1. Driving Innovation and Differentiation: Differentiation is key in a competitive educational landscape. Market research can identify gaps in the market and areas where the university can innovate and distinguish itself from the crowd. This could lead to the development of unique programs, cutting-edge research initiatives or new campus facilities that set the university apart from its competitors.
  1. Improving Stakeholder Engagement: Brand perception research provides a university with feedback on how well it is meeting its stakeholders’ needs and expectations. Universities can strengthen their relationships with students, alumni, faculty and the community by leaning into successes and promptly addressing any concerns or dissatisfaction.

Incorporating brand perception research and market research into university strategic planning is essential for staying competitive and relevant in the ever-evolving educational landscape. The research process does not significantly impact the strategic planning timeline, but it provides critical insights that help universities align their offerings with market demand, enhance their brands, attract and retain talent, drive innovation and improve stakeholder engagement. By making informed decisions based on comprehensive research, universities can ensure they meet the needs of their stakeholders and achieve long-term success.

Want to learn more about taking a research-informed approach to strategic planning, or discuss taking this path to meet your own institutional goals? We’d love to hear from you.