As a chief communications officer, you’re likely managing multiple priorities now that students are back on campus or soon will be. Amid this busy period, it’s important to focus on building relationships. Here’s why this should remain a top priority.

Imagine this scenario: Just as the fall term kicks off, a fire breaks out in an off-campus apartment complex where many students live. Your team and emergency responders need to act quickly to manage the situation. Even with protocols in place, unexpected challenges often arise.

In such a scenario, your ability to respond quickly and effectively hinges on your relationships with key campus partners — such as the dean of students, the director of housing and the chief of police. Strong connections with these partners allow for immediate communication, coordinated action and clear messaging to all stakeholders, including students, parents and the media. When everyone is on the same page, it minimizes confusion, reduces response times and improves the well-being of your campus community.

Building trust with campus partners before a crisis is crucial. It helps ensure smooth communication and keeps you informed about potential issues early, allowing for proactive planning and effective crisis management wherever possible.

Identify Your Key Campus Partners  

If you haven’t already, take the time to identify and reconnect with key partners on campus. Some relationships may be established, while others might need a refresh. Consider connecting with:

Cabinet members  

President’s or chancellor’s chief of staff  

Chief of police  

Athletics director  

Title IX director  

Human resources  

Dean of students  

Director of Greek Life  

Housing director  

Public records coordinator

Campus counsel 

Each plays a vital role in campus operations and crisis response. Reconnecting and introducing yourself, if you haven’t already, will set up open, responsive communication channels for any situation.

Steps to Strengthen Relationships

One-on-one meetings are essential for building these connections. Keep discussions open and focused on mutual understanding—regular check-ins throughout the year foster ongoing collaboration.

The Payoff

Engaging with key partners early enhances your ability to manage challenging situations and strengthens your leadership role. Being well-connected ensures you’re informed and prepared to respond effectively to any issues that arise.

As the fall term gets underway, prioritizing these relationships will foster better communication and collaboration across campus, equipping you to navigate any challenge with confidence.